Future Of Feminism Blog

Women have fought long and hard throughout the past few centuries to reach their goal. Which is to basically be treated equally in society. Okay maybe they still have a little tweaking to do but they sure are in a much better position compared to them in the 1800’s. Women today now have the power to apply to jobs that men are said to be dominant in. They are now capable of being your boss and are considered a reliable asset in the military. So now you ask me “Gee Ryelle they seem in such a good position, why do feminist still go fight for more?” Well I will tell you why. Its because even though the problems women faced in the 1800’s make today’s problems look like scrambled eggs, they are still problems.


So first thing off. People need to understand what feminism is in today’s world. A lot of people (Mostly feminist) misunderstand what is means to be a feminist. The idea behind feminism is suppose to be equality. Not women becoming superior and getting special treatment. What was the reason this feminism thing even started? Was to create equality for women. For so long women have been living in a male dominant world. It’s not until they showed their worth and fought for centuries to show they can actually be equal or even better to a man. Being a feminist means you are fighting to gain rights that is given openly to men but not to you. It does not mean requesting more food for free in a restaurant because you think it would only be fair cause you are a woman. Let’s switch roles, if feminist all wanted special treatment exclusive to their gender, than how would that be equality? Sooner or later if things go over board men will start something like “Menism.” Like Feminism but for Men. So get your heads in the game and realize what feminism is because I don’t have the time to deal with Menism.

So with that being said. What do women actually face in today’s world? Like they got everything they wanted when it comes to basic equality. So what more could they want? Well they want to better their lives. They may not be that big of a problem compared to the 18-1900s problems but fixing these problems would give women a better life to live. Even though they have equality, a lot of women still struggle with life. Not to say that men do not struggle but it is more easier for men to get back on their feet than it would be for women. So tweaking these problems would sure give them a better time in life.

Domestic Violence

So first thing is more protection to women. I’m trying to sound like an ass but everyone knows that women are fragile. Yes there are women who can defend themselves but how about for the others that cannot? How about for the women who face domestic violence and abuse? Those who are too afraid to speak out and call for help. Men are just naturally for stronger in their physique compared to women. And it is easy for a man to abuse and cause harm to a woman. To counter this, we need to promise women their safety when they seek for help. Their needs to be more ways for women to secure themselves from abuse and pain. So women, do not be afraid to stand tall and speak out because you are the ones in control of your life, not the abuser.


Child Care

A lot of mothers face the problem of being left with a child to take care of while having a full time job. A lot of single mothers face hardship of being the only source of income there is. Not to say that men do not face this situation too but the majority of those who face this problem are women.


Giving more cheaper ways for a family or parent to have their children taken care of while they work would increase the economy. That means more work is done for those who have jobs. And potentially more jobs will be available since the children will not take care of themselves. Especially in this economy, more jobs are certainly needed to be available.

More Equality Around the World, Not Just America

The reason I bring this up is because mainly we kinda just see feminism in America. We do not see it in other parts of the world. And currently after looking up a few things, what are feminist fighting for in America? They kinda have the best of the best. They do not have to hide their face and are not permitted to be outside alone like in some cultures around the world. Neither are they treated as a side-chick. Meaning their “Husband” does not have multiple wives like some cultures around the world. So really what is their to fight for? In America at least. There needs to be more equality for women all over the world and not just in one place.

To end this madness of a blog I leave you with my final thoughts. Honestly women are in a good spot right now compared to their positions back in the 1900s. They have power, enough equality that is respectable, and have the will to do whatever they please basically. Well most things. So the only thing left is to do some tweaking to some said problems to further improve their life. Improvement means better lives, better lives means a better world. And a better world means a better future for everyone.