The Technology And Psychology From The Past 50 Years!

It is insane thinking about how far humanity has grown in the past 50 years. It’s 2015, 50 years ago we didn’t have computers or internet. We didn’t have cell phones and social media and emails. The amount of progression we have made in the last 50 years absolutely destroys the amount of progress we made say 1000 years ago. What is next for humanity? What else can we invent? Technology has changed the way we live our lives. The way we communicate with one another. From taking weeks to get a message sent to someone across town, it now takes a flick of da wrist. LOL. Oh that is another thing. Humanity now has memes. The creation of memes might just be what ends the human race but its okay. Worth. But anyways, what next are we going to invent? Just imagine super powers. Super humans, lasers, how about a way to make plants without actually having to grow them. Just imagine bringing trees to mars or the moon. Imagine living on the moon that would be sick. Will technology become so advanced it becomes the next SkyNet.skynet_logo

Ok let’s hope we don’t invent a SkyNet. I mean it would be cool and all but I kinda wanna continue my life of locking myself in a dark room watching anime and playing games all day sorta life. But all this would not have been possible if it weren’t for a few inventors. For this post I want to give honor to the inventors and adventurers of the past 50 years. Without them we would not have the internet or cell phones or even be able to say we have been on the moon. Actually unless you’re from NASA then we really can’t say we have been on the moon.. But honor to them anyways.

The Internet

Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn. These two gentleman are the main guys who invented the internet. Of course they had help by like 10 other dudes but its these two men that made it all possible.


Can you imagine not having internet? I don’t even wanna know what my life would be like without internet. I use it for everything, social media, League of Legends, anime. I read books and manga through the internet. Without this invention our lives would suck. Our lives would get 50 Shades of Suck. The internet is the reason why this blog is even possible.

Cell Phone

Martin Cooper. This dude is still alive like wtf. This dude is 86 years old walking around with an android. It shocked me that a lot of inventors are still alive. But anyways the man who invented the cell phone.. Martin Cooper. It was this invention the sparked the revolution of having communication with anyone you want anywhere you are. As long as you have signal and their digits then you can contact them as much as you wan’t with.. a flicka da wrist…. :^)martin-cooper

I told you he is using an Android.

Apollo 11


With the mindset of wanting to go on a great adventure. These three men did what humanity thought impossible. Going to a different planet. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the first to be on the moon. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This gave United States so much bragging rights.

These are just some of the few I wanted to cover. Obviously I cannot cover all of them. From GPS, radio, television, and Memes. There is too much to cover and you are probably already contemplating suicide reading this blog so lets keep it simple. The question does arise though. Are we getting to reliant on technology? Yeah technology has given us a life of joy and happiness. But will the day come where we have robots to cook for us? Are we losing individual intelligence because we rely way too much on google? I admit I am super reliant on it. I use my phone to wake me up, entertain me, remind of of when I work. Taking a communications class I can tell who is very heavy on social media and who is not. Just the way they perform when giving a speech I know that they have a very different personality when texting when compared to talking in person. It’s kind of sad but is this what humanity is becoming to? Are we all really hopeless if we lose technology? Take away the internet and cell phones. Are you someone who has self intelligence and can maintain his/her lifestyle and keep your grit? Or will you be loss not know what to do in life because you are missing two objects?


We have come a long way to have the streets be full of color. Back then you wouldn’t see a black person being treated like a human being. You wouldn’t see women bosses or having jobs other than wife-life themes. Back then it was impossible to find a school where white and blacks shared a classroom and treated each other equally. The thought of people being inferior has toned down in today’s world. Racism has been toned down tremendously. Though we are still humans, and as humans there is still racism anywhere you go. Which is sad really but its the horrible truth. But in today’s society people are shunned for showing even a little hint of racism.


The treatment women get has also changed. From being known to only take care of the house and reproduce, they are now known and treated equally as people who can do so much more. 50 years ago it would have been a world wide shock to see a women in a leader position. In today’s world, women have proven they can be equally or better at things compared to their male counter part.

We as a species has come a long way to show how we can evolve. We have shown how we can adapt to any setting or disaster. Technology has help humanity in so many ways and this might just be the beginning of it. We have things that would have been thought impossible to have 50 years ago. We have a portable information outlet we can access any time we want to. Unlimited intelligence anywhere you go. Though it may seem we are all too reliant on technology now, in the end, we are in a much better position with it than without it.

Well that’s it. Our final blog. It is sad it has come to this but every thread made must eventually end. It was a fun ride going through the years. Unfortunately this will be the final farewell, our lives take us to a different direction. There is a whole world of adventure, so try and remember the good and the bad. Don’t be sad on the day of parting, but give thanks to the day we met. Ja-Ne!

The Life Changing Technology and Psychology of the 1950’s… and 1960’s

Hello once again! Welcome back to another blog of mine. For this we are going to top about the seed of technology in the 1950-1960’s The seed that is growing rapidly with each year. New inventions coming left and right. From barely figuring out how to make trains to making a nuclear weapon. Even going to the moon crossed the minds of those who are brilliant. Technology seemed like it was going way too fast and not many people can keep up. So where do we begin?aaaaaaa

First off, you must be asking why we chose these years to go ballistic on advancing technology. Well it was The Cold War’s fault. The Cold War was pretty much a competition to who can have the best technology. This was was not a lethal one though. It was more off a match between the super countries and who can scare the living hell out of each other with the amount of armed power they possessed. No one engaged in war because the thought process was if they were to have a war, it would mean the end of mankind. The amount of nuclear weapons was enough to literally blow up the world ten times over. From satellites, jets, bombs, chemical and biological weaponry (No not zombies) and even submarines. The technology for war during the arms race is what changed war.


Okay, this age wasn’t about just weapons, bombs, and war. It was also the age of the television. This invention changed the way we live our lives. No more did we have boring family gatherings at the dinner table. It was now bring the food in front of the television. This device changed how we socialize. How we receive news of what is going on in the world. Fantasy, music, news, anything you can think of.. Okay well not yet but soon was on television. From showing Vietnam, to presidential debates, and even as you guessed it, propaganda and advertisements were now on television.


T.V Dinners!

If you are old enough then you would remember those and probably got hit with a nice dose of Nostalgia just now. These T.V Dinners became popular, why? Because it was easy to cook, and easy to eat in front of the t.v. This is what we call frozen meals. In today’s world it has even been converted into lunch for your kids at schools in the form of lunchables.

Dat Psychology

Equality! That was in the minds of the not so fortunate African Americans. The White for so long has been the dominant skin color for generations. Martin Luther King, the one who gave it all to end racism. For blacks, living in the United States didn’t feel so united.  Segregation and racism still flew the the breeze to a windy day.

So where does the psychology tie in with all this? Well it had to do with the blacks mentally keeping the belief that they will reach the end of racism and segregation. And reach a world where equality was right. For the whites it was a challenge for them to change their beliefs. They believed that white skin was dominant and when you are on the peak its hard to climb down. They needed to accept that equality was something the world was going to go through and their world of dominance is changing.

With only a few weeks left and one more blog i’m afraid its almost time to say farewell for good. But not yet. Ja-Ne!

The Technology and Psychology of Humans Starts to Get Violent. WWI and WWII

Welcome back! See I told you it would be a temporary farewell. Here we are together again with another face palming blog. This blog is all possible thanks to you guy or girl since our last adventure got a 50/50 on the scale. So where do we begin, well since we are getting into the topics of WWI and WWII lets take a look at some of the technology that changed human life during those times. And yes I will throw in some psychology and what not.


World War I, the war that was suppose to be quick, decisive, and glorious. The war that everyone thought would be a walk in the park. Everyone wanted to be heroes. Heroes, Heroes never die, unless you are in World War I. Thousands of young men all blinded by the obvious lie of the propaganda about war. They all assumed war was going to be cool and painless. Oh how totally wrong they were.


Hell on earth is not experiencing a break-up. Hell on earth is not (Insert basic life problem that people are too much of a bitch to over-come). No, Hell on earth was World War 1. This was no longer the war where 1000 men lined up brainlessly taking turns shooting each other. This was no longer a war where cavalry could just charge at the front line and IWDominate. This is the turning point of war. World War I is where technology changed war forever. Machine guns, mustard gas, tanks it was endless. What really made this hell on earth? Trench Warfare. Since Trench Warfare is a huge topic and we have limited time, i’m going to let our good friend youtube to explain the basics of trench warfare.

Poison Gas (AKA Mustard Gas) 

The use of this deadly weapon was by the Germans. It started when they used chlorine gas on the enemy trenches. This was the start of chemical warfare. It was both successful and painful. The effects were not like any low tier pepper spray. It was more of something like this…



Tanks were the next big thing. No more cavalry charging at front lines. It was now tanks charging the front lines, are aka trenches. This thing made it possible to advance against small arms fire. It provided mobility, protection, and even has cannons mounted onto itself.


This is probably not what you were thinking when I said tanks but that thing is one of the first tanks invented.

World War II

Though World War I showed great advance in technology, it is nothing compared to what we had in WWII. The amount of ground we covered in just a short span of time is truly truly truly… Outrageous. This is also the war that showed mankind the power of the Atomic bombs. The iconic names Fat Man and Little Boy. No those are not super hero names.

Not all inventions was about war in this period. There were some things that set off glorious benefits for decades to come. Here are just some of the few notable inventions that I feel like were legendary.


Radar was a powerful invention that helped during the war. This sent signals that bounced back to the sender. This allowed the sender to know where something is, it allowed to track things down effortlessly.

Nuclear Power 

The U.S was the first to create a nuclear bomb. Aka Fatman and Little Boy. But bombs are not the only thing they found use for the kind information they had. They found a way to create a cheap and clean electrical source through nuclear power.

And now onward to the brothers of TONS OF DAMAGE. Fat Man and Little Boy

It is impossible to talk about WWII without acknowledging the Atomic Bombs that ended the war. Fat Man and Little Boy, these two bombs decimated and killed thousands of people. There has been a lot of debates whether the use of these nuclear weapons was just and legit. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are one of the most historical moments in history. Luckily these events were the only use of nuclear weapons. But now almost everyone has nuclear weapons and if WWIII happens and everyone decides to launch nukes at each other. You better have played Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas or else you will not survive post-war.

The Psychology

The psychological part of all this was pretty much what we call trauma today. Or Shell Shock for you oldies out there. Symptoms such as panic attacks and paralysis of the body. This was probably due to the inexperience of the people who enlisted into the war. The young minds were not ready to experience the ferocity of war. The fear, death, and time spent away from family made the two world wars a traumatic experience.

Other than trauma there was propaganda. All of the young men would not have enlisted if it weren’t for the propaganda. The war made to be an easy, decisive, quick victory. Or that’s what the Uncle Sam posters said. It made the sense that the enemy are nothing but gorillas or ants waiting to be stomped by the all powerful American’s.

Here we are again, that is all we have time for. Though the first blog was all fun and laughter, this topic is not something to joke around with. WWI and WWII were some of the most brutal moments in human history. Though I did try and make a few puns and what not to keep it from being too serious. Again, this is a temporary farewell and I will see you soon again my friend. Ja-Ne!

The Glorious Evolution Of Technology.. With Some Psychology

This is your commander GotoSenpai speaking. For the next few blogs and what not I will be taking you on a historical adventure of recaps of how technology has changed our way of living. Along with some psychology and what not. Be prepared to read about historical inventions and how it affected us both physically and mentally (Aka psychology part). Prepare to be face-palming with the use of bad puns and witty pictures. So where do we begin? Well let’s go back say 150 years ago? Back then we didn’t have fancy cars, fast planes, or computers. Actually we didn’t even have the internet back then. Can you imagine living without the internet? Some of you can’t even live without checking facebook or twitter every 5 seconds. So everyone ready up your time travel devices, whether it be Men in Black or Spongebob I don’t care just meet me there. Don’t worry… I’ll be back.


Is everyone here? Alright sweet let’s start. So now you must be wondering, Commander GotoSenpai why did you have us time travel here? That’s a good question guy or girl if you would so kindly look down.


We are standing on a railroad. And you know what runs on railroads? Trains, that’s right. One of the most important and life changing invention in history was the invention of railroads and trains. Before we had cars or planes we had horses and railroads. A week’s travel or more would be accomplished within a few hours with railroads. This was the most life changing invention of history back then. It allowed us to not only reach other parts of the country at a much faster pace but also allowed us to transport goods like food and animals. It allowed us to explore the unexplored areas of America. This sped up the process of making towns and help lower the building time of the Western Civilization by.. Well a lot. Yes, I am sorry to spoil it for you but life was not an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game where you could just tell one of your dudes to erect a whole colony for you in minutes.

Okay enough about trains.. Everyone time jump to 1885.

So GotoSenpai why 1885? Well first off it’s Commander GotoSenpai and I specifically picked this year because this is the year the car was invented.


I know what you’re saying. Damn, that car looks like shit. Well of course it does! That’s why they say practice makes perfect. It only took like 130 years to get one of these bad boys.


Invented by Karl Benz. He is the reason why people like you and me can go around and get to work. It was first pretty damn expensive to get one of these 10mph looking cars. But with the help of Henry Ford and his Assembly Line, everyone can now have affordable cars. Kinda. He is the reason college students are late to class. Because of the overload of cars taking all the parking spots. No longer were people forced to live in just one area. People could now actually go out of town and explore the world with these cars.

Well concerning time let’s go over a few inventors. Mainly two inventors because I’m too lazy to look up more.


The man responsible for helping us with our fears of the dark. Thomas Edison! The inventor of the Light Bulb! Thank you Thomas Edison.

Joseph Nicephore Niepce

Here is the man who is responsible for everyone taking a selfie every 5 seconds. The man who’s name I cannot pronounce Nicéphore Niépce. Thank you based Copy & Pasterino.  He is the inventor of the photograph!

These are just a few of the greatest inventions of all time. With where we are at now, just imagine what life will be like say 50 years or 100 years from now. Imagine what kind of life we will be living. It is almost kind of scary, will technology overcome our lives? Or advance us to evolve into something better.


So I bet you are wondering where the psychology fits in this.. Well we haven’t gotten there yet. All I can say now is that people were certainly not saying “What do we do now?” But instead “What else can we invent?” As always with power comes with politics. America is growing rapidly, so is the political side of it. Technology not only affected everyday lives but also how we fought wars. And from those wars we will get to see the psychological effects it had on soldiers.

That is all we have time for. Don’t worry we will meet again someday. For now this is a temporary farewell. Ja-ne!

Future Of Feminism Blog

Women have fought long and hard throughout the past few centuries to reach their goal. Which is to basically be treated equally in society. Okay maybe they still have a little tweaking to do but they sure are in a much better position compared to them in the 1800’s. Women today now have the power to apply to jobs that men are said to be dominant in. They are now capable of being your boss and are considered a reliable asset in the military. So now you ask me “Gee Ryelle they seem in such a good position, why do feminist still go fight for more?” Well I will tell you why. Its because even though the problems women faced in the 1800’s make today’s problems look like scrambled eggs, they are still problems.


So first thing off. People need to understand what feminism is in today’s world. A lot of people (Mostly feminist) misunderstand what is means to be a feminist. The idea behind feminism is suppose to be equality. Not women becoming superior and getting special treatment. What was the reason this feminism thing even started? Was to create equality for women. For so long women have been living in a male dominant world. It’s not until they showed their worth and fought for centuries to show they can actually be equal or even better to a man. Being a feminist means you are fighting to gain rights that is given openly to men but not to you. It does not mean requesting more food for free in a restaurant because you think it would only be fair cause you are a woman. Let’s switch roles, if feminist all wanted special treatment exclusive to their gender, than how would that be equality? Sooner or later if things go over board men will start something like “Menism.” Like Feminism but for Men. So get your heads in the game and realize what feminism is because I don’t have the time to deal with Menism.

So with that being said. What do women actually face in today’s world? Like they got everything they wanted when it comes to basic equality. So what more could they want? Well they want to better their lives. They may not be that big of a problem compared to the 18-1900s problems but fixing these problems would give women a better life to live. Even though they have equality, a lot of women still struggle with life. Not to say that men do not struggle but it is more easier for men to get back on their feet than it would be for women. So tweaking these problems would sure give them a better time in life.

Domestic Violence

So first thing is more protection to women. I’m trying to sound like an ass but everyone knows that women are fragile. Yes there are women who can defend themselves but how about for the others that cannot? How about for the women who face domestic violence and abuse? Those who are too afraid to speak out and call for help. Men are just naturally for stronger in their physique compared to women. And it is easy for a man to abuse and cause harm to a woman. To counter this, we need to promise women their safety when they seek for help. Their needs to be more ways for women to secure themselves from abuse and pain. So women, do not be afraid to stand tall and speak out because you are the ones in control of your life, not the abuser.


Child Care

A lot of mothers face the problem of being left with a child to take care of while having a full time job. A lot of single mothers face hardship of being the only source of income there is. Not to say that men do not face this situation too but the majority of those who face this problem are women.


Giving more cheaper ways for a family or parent to have their children taken care of while they work would increase the economy. That means more work is done for those who have jobs. And potentially more jobs will be available since the children will not take care of themselves. Especially in this economy, more jobs are certainly needed to be available.

More Equality Around the World, Not Just America

The reason I bring this up is because mainly we kinda just see feminism in America. We do not see it in other parts of the world. And currently after looking up a few things, what are feminist fighting for in America? They kinda have the best of the best. They do not have to hide their face and are not permitted to be outside alone like in some cultures around the world. Neither are they treated as a side-chick. Meaning their “Husband” does not have multiple wives like some cultures around the world. So really what is their to fight for? In America at least. There needs to be more equality for women all over the world and not just in one place.

To end this madness of a blog I leave you with my final thoughts. Honestly women are in a good spot right now compared to their positions back in the 1900s. They have power, enough equality that is respectable, and have the will to do whatever they please basically. Well most things. So the only thing left is to do some tweaking to some said problems to further improve their life. Improvement means better lives, better lives means a better world. And a better world means a better future for everyone.

Violence Blog

It has been in great theory that the world will be a much more safer and passive place to live in if women were to be in charge. To an extent, I can see how that could be true. Women are known to be the more passive gender. They are known for their nurturing and motherly-like behavior. Although, we also know women for being fragile. Yes, it can be argued that women are not fragile as we do have women soldiers. But the amount of women soldier’s do not exceed the amount of women who live daily lives. Men are known for having a natural physique of strength and bravery. Once again, women can also have a physique of strength but that requires them to train their body to have that. Men’s strength comes from growth        naturally.

US secreatry of State Hillary Clinton ge

We cannot say that a woman is incapable of being in power because women have not had the chance to be in power. Like.. Ever. Yes there are a few women who have rose through the ranks and became equals to those who hold great power. But they did that through the trials of men. They wen’t through and made decisions that men would do to rise up to that status of power. What I am trying to say is for example, let us say a woman was the leader of our world. Our blood, future, and lives depended on her. Would there not be anarchy and chaos about? Would that woman not have to make the same choices as a man would have to make in order to keep the peace? People say our world would be in peace if women were in charge. That does not mean that they would have to make the same decisions as men in order to have that perfect peaceful world. So really, we cannot say that our world would be in peace if women were in charge until we go back through history and change the gender roles.


There is no hiding that women can be leaders. They have the abilities to become equal ranks with men of great power. Although, we do have to account their fragile shape. Men have always been the one to carry bravery and explore. Would a woman ever thought of sailing the seas to see if there is any other land out there? Just as Columbus did. Do most women have the heart to kill a man? How about kill wildlife in order to provide food for their loved ones? Most women do not carry the sense of bravery most men do. In which is why it was men who fought the wars. I am not saying women are incompetent to do these duties, as there has been women in wars throughout history. But those were a select few compared to everyone else. This fragile shape of women causes them to be viewed as easy targets for those who wish to cause harm to them.

lewl 2

Domestic Violence is no hidden threat to women. As I say and keep saying over and over, women are fragile. They are easy targets to take advantage of and rule over. Which is why there is rape in the world and domestic violence. Women do not have the natural physical strength to protect themselves against men. Even if they were to carry weapons to protect themselves, most women do not have the will to strike down their beloved ones to protect themselves. And the sad part about that it most women who face domestic violence do not report it. Whether its they are too scared that if they do no one will help, or it will just lead to more pain and suffering from the abusers.

Throughout history women have always been abused. I remember in my Sociology class I read about a tribe. Their main power came from men. The men controlled the tribe and the women had almost no purpose but to serve as trophies. In this tribe, beating your wife was seen as an act of showing your power. Oh I remember now, the tribe was called Yanomami. This tribe abused its women as they were the ones who carried the luggage when traveling. They were responsible for cooking and providing sexual pleasure to the men whenever it was needed. The tribe also encouraged men to have multiple wives as it was a state of power to them.

We need to provide more protection to women. The only problem is, that really isn’t a easy task. Also noting I wouldn’t even know how to do that. How do you protect women from domestic violence when you are not there to be there in their times of need. We can provide more ways for women to reach out for help. But other than that, women are the ones who have to make the decision and go out and get help. There will always be abuse to women and the sad part is there is only so much we can do to help.

Women in The Work Place Blog

Women have had a difficult history dealing with the workforce. Ever since the 30’s or 40’s women have faced discrimination in having a place in the work force. They were not allowed to work and was known to stay home and take care of the house. While the men are away the women will stay and clean. Chores and dirty house work duties were their title and purpose of existence back then. Though, now women are now able to contribute, they still face discrimination during work. Whether it is sexual harassment, unequal pay, poor security, and for some its the lack of support from their families for them to have a job.



Women during World War II created a lot of jobs for women. Jobs that included repairing equipment, washing clothes, maintaining quarters, or producing munitions. Those who worked before World War II was granted jobs that was somewhat similar to being a housewife. Meaning a lot of women were working jobs like being a maid. During World War II is where a women nurse boom occurred as well. Since being a nurse required the person to be good at maintaining or taking care of something, women Nurses were popular during this time. Basically any job that was related to the activities of being a housewife was available and welcomed to women who were looking for a job.


Times have now changed over the years. Women have fought for equality and won, but that does not mean that society will agree to treat women equally. Yes it is good that women are now accepted to take on jobs that usually men would partake in. Such as women Managers, CEO’s. But they still face discrimination. Women still face gaining unequal pay even if they woman has the exact same position as the man in the same job. In 2012 it was reported that women were only getting 75% of what a man would make. Although, these numbers are not accurate since the majority of women do not work the same jobs as men. Yes women have the power and freedom to work the same job as most men but the majority stick to low to medium paying jobs. There are a select few of the majority that actually go beyond and go for high paying jobs that the majority of men aim for.

Another thing women face in the workforce is the security for their well beings. Yes, women are more than capable of handling and taking care of themselves when the situation calls for them to take actions like defend themselves. But the majority of women do not have the physical power to fight off the physique of men who attack them. Jobs like nursing whether in regular hospitals or in prisons, they are never safe.


Women nurses are more likely to be assaulted compared to a male man. Those who have a violent nature can easily overpower a women nurse whom is not familiar in handling a dangerous situation. Also due to the physical superiority of men, women are viewed as an easy target for men in hospitals or prisons. Yes that the security for women is given, provided that the woman calls for security to back them up.

Another major important issue that women face in today’s workforce is sexual harassment. It has been recorded that one in four U.S women face sexual harassment in their workplace. This issue is somewhat of a double edged blade. Women are afraid of being sexually harassed while men on the other hand worry about being falsely accused of sexual harassing a woman during work.

Sexual Harassment at work

About 88% of women in the workforce have been sexually harassed one way or another. I do know fully know if that percentage is correct as it seemed to be around 70-88%. Although, it has been studied that four out of ten women who have been sexually harassed do not report that they were sexually harassed during work. They think that reporting the incident would cause no good and would just put the women into more trouble by the offender.

One last thing I want to talk about is the lack of support women get for being a working mother. According to a 2010 Congressional Report, women compromise almost half of the workers in the U.S. Working mothers often face unfair pay for maternity leave. A lot of mothers who were forced to take an unpaid leave often went into debt and had to acquire public assistance for living and health. Even the same-sex parents were majorly denied paid leave. Also, since mothers are known by society to be the caretakers of babies/children, a good portion of them get little or no support from the father. Although recent studies have shown that fathers have taken the responsibility to divide the of who takes care of a baby while they are both working.

In conclusion, though women have come far to gain the rights on having higher quality jobs, they still face discrimination. It is really awful what women a lot of women go through in some of the jobs they take. But for example, being a women nurse, it is expected that it is a high risk job. A lot of people who have mental disabilities and those who cannot hold themselves back that carry a violent nature will attack a women nurse. Still, the fact that women are more likely to be attack rather than a man is still not acceptable.

Status of Women in Religion

It’s awful to see all the discrimination women have in today’s society. Though we have come a long way to make women equal to the male gender, still most men view women to be inferior. I do have to admit, the status of women in our society is much better compared to way back then. Though our religion still states that women are to be inferior and are here to support whatever the male gender desires. What is crazy is that a lot of religions still practice women being inferior when being compared to males. Bibles and scriptures have also discriminated against women. That women are not as wise and strong as their male counterpart.


For example let us look at the story of Adam and Eve. Everybody knows the story of Adam and Eve.. Or the majority of people do. In the book of Genesis it is said that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. Further into the story we learn that God put Adam and Eve in a garden of paradise with one rule; which is to not eat the forbidden fruit. The Serpent comes along and persuades Eve into taking the forbidden fruit and eat it. Further on Eve takes the forbidden fruit to Adam and though Adam knows not to eat the fruit, he follows his partner’s judgment and also eats the forbidden fruit. This one act has given birth to the speculation that women are not meant to be leaders. This is why that the thought of Adam and Eve is that God created Adam and later on created Eve to be a “Helper” not an equal but as a helper. That Women are un-fit to be leaders and give good judgment to what is right and wrong.

With that in mind, could that be affecting our societies thoughts on having a woman to be our leader? How do people feel about a woman being their boss or being the president How come when a woman ran for presidency the male always had the majority of the votes. I asked the thoughts of my parents (Terrible idea btw) on how they feel about women being leaders and sadly enough the male said women are un-fit to be leaders. This is also backed up by a few friends I also asked. That a women president would not know right from wrong because they are not strong enough.


Let us also look at the Islamic religion. Their religion teaches them that a woman is worth less than a man. It is said in their religion that a woman belongs to a man. That a man is allowed to have multiple wives, however many the man pleases to fill his desire. According to Koran: “Men have authority over women” and even according to the bible: “Men are superior to women, Jesus is superior to men and God is above all. Women should worship all of them.” Also the fact that have to fully cover themselves only having their eyes being the visible part of their body. For women to fully cover themselves is the rule of God and their societies norms. The question is why?

A lot of religions show a lot of discrimination to women. They treat their women poorly and unequally but  if you think about it, it is mostly cultural. If we are to take a second and inspect, humanity treats women equally to men. Religiously men are more superior to women there is no denying that. But in our society women are treated equally with the same amount of respect as the male.

My thoughts are though women are treated poorly and unequal in religion, they are treated the same as males in normal human society. Religion is mostly cultural, it is no one’s fault what you are born with whether rich or poor. All women in today’s society are equal to women. We are slowly but surely getting there. Though sadly I do have to say that religion from the start has put a negative impact on how women are treated. I am a catholic myself and well I do not know a lot about how women are treated in my religion. But from asking other catholic members we give our women a fair amount of equality to men. I am not saying my religion is superior because it is not. I was born with this life style just as Islamic women are born with believing that they are to be inferior to men. Though it is comforting that when we put religion aside, we as humans treat each other male or female equally.

I thought I should say a little bit more so here you go. I like to watch anime and I’m a PC gamer. I hope I get an A in this history class and all my other classes. Ight that’s it